Effective training teaches participants to think critically and to ‘see’ energy in a new way—with a focus on recognizing energy reduction opportunities.

The training programs we develop and deliver, whether for energy managers and specialists, building operators, property and facility managers, or other building operations personnel, raise awareness, encourage efficiency, and improve energy use practices.

Governments, utilities, associations, and organizations have trusted us for over 30 years to meet their training needs. We have delivered nearly 750 virtual or in-person workshops to nearly 10,000 Canadians.

In addition to helping the BC and national Building Owners and Managers Associations (BOMA) develop and launch their national on-line course,  e-Energy Training for Building Operations, Prism has delivered Natural Resources Canada’s “Dollars to $ense” workshop series for over 20 years and has assisted BCIT in developing a one-year Sustainable Energy Management Advanced Certificate.

Contact us to design and deliver a training program for your organization.

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See our current training offers.

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As a technician, being able to implement energy saving activities and knowing how to make adjustments for sustainability in our buildings has been very rewarding.

Bob DePaiva, Colliers Building Operator