Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) can help you better understand where your energy is going and identify areas for improvement. By monitoring and tracking your energy performance on an ongoing basis, it is easier to detect energy waste and make data-based decisions to improve your energy and emissions performance.

Organizations can greatly benefit from adopting an EMIS as part of their energy management strategy. Prism can help you create financial value by building the necessary conditions to continuously monitor, document, and report on energy performance. Additionally, we can support your organization in complying with ISO 50001 requirements.

By conducting a comprehensive EMIS audit, we can assist your organization in developing an implementation plan, as well as offering the necessary training so that your energy staff will be ready to put the plan into practice to achieve your energy goals.

How Prism can help

Prism’s approach to implementing an EMIS is comprised of three phases and follows the essence of the NRCan/CIPEC EMIS Planning Manual & Tool.

First, we conduct an EMIS audit to assess your current situation, identify gaps, and make recommendations for the design of the new system.

In the second phase, the data is combined with other findings of the audit report and then transformed into a detailed design supported by stakeholders’ inputs that formulates an Implementation Plan.

Finally, the organization will have all the necessary tools to implement the EMIS plan on their own or with the support of our energy experts.


General phased scope of a Prism EMIS Project (NRCan)

Why implement an EMIS in your organization?

Here are some key benefits for adopting EMIS:

  • Gives “visibility” to energy consumption.
  • Data and insights that are easy to access and interpret.
  • Consistent and actionable reports.
  • Identifies “energy gaps”.
  • Provides a tool to help reduce GHG emissions.
  • Raises energy conservation awareness.
  • Allows you to verify the results of energy and emission reduction projects.
  • Groundwork to comply with ISO 50001

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