
BC Municipalities


Vancouver, BC

Prism completed a study outlining the potential cost for various quantities of electric vehicle charging stations for developments in 3 municipalities.

In the City of Vancouver, Prism completed a study outlining the potential cost increases for developers to provide electrical capacity and distribution equipment for various quantities of electric vehicle charging stations (20% -100% of parking stalls) for new construction developments, including high-rise, mid-rise, and townhouse multi-unit residential building as well as commercial building archetypes.

In the City of Richmond, Prism evaluated the electrical infrastructure requirements and associated costs for two different loading sharing configurations:
• Configuration 1: One parking stall with charging port per circuit (non-load sharing)
• Configuration 2: Four parking stalls with charging ports per circuit (load sharing)
The four-parking stall per circuit configuration was achievable by using charging stations from manufacturers that provide built-in power sharing capabilities.

In the City of North Vancouver, Prism completed similar studies. These were used in the development, adoption, and rollout of updated building and municipal bylaw updates relating to EV charging requirements for new developments.