Mechanical and electrical systems must accommodate the requirements of any newly renovated space to fully leverage the benefits
of comfort, aesthetics, and cost savings.

We coordinate with architects, interior designers, facility managers and others on the design team to provide a smooth renovation from start to finish.

Prism’s experienced team will review key components including:
  • Existing conditions of mechanical and electrical systems
  • Thermal load calculations to establish appropriate HVAC system modifications
  • Revisions to controls sequence of operations
  • Lighting and lighting control system changes
  • Power distribution updates and alterations
  • Telecommunication connections including LAN data cabling and telephone
  • Fire alarm and sprinkler concept design

We can assist in obtaining competitive tenders for the work by preparing CAD drawings, specifications, and tender documents. Once suppliers and contractors are in place, Prism can also provide full project management services to lead the renovation including liaison and submissions with each Authority Having Jurisdiction, keeping deliverables on time and on budget.

Since we remain independent from suppliers and products, the Prism team is free to identify the most suitable products and installation methods. Once the renovation is completed, we will meticulously review the work to ensure compliance with the design.


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