
BC Housing


Vancouver, BC

Prism conducted a cost-benefit analysis of implementing energy conservation measures (ECMs) across 200 of BC Housing’s buildings.

The analysis involved:

  1. Reviewing ECMs identified from ASHRAE Level II audits of 25 BC Housing Multi-unit Residential Buildings (MURB)
  2. Categorizing ECMs applicability by building archetype (e.g. electrical vs. natural gas heating and hot water)
  3. Analyzing ECMs applicability by BC climate zone
  4. Summarizing average cost of implementation and estimated energy reduction potential by floor area or by number of suites or by building as applicable
  5. Characterizing 210 buildings by vintage built-year, building archetype, and climate zone
  6. Extrapolating ECMs across the 210 buildings, as per applicability
  7. Incorporating into the future modelling of cost and emission reduction the caveat that buildings would be re-developed as net-zero new construction 60 years after built-year
  8. Summarizing results in a report and presentation for BC Housing

This analysis provided BC Housing insight in the cost-benefit analysis of the energy conservation measures to enable planning towards achieving their 2050 emission reduction targets.